- Acknowledgment to Referees 2024
Leila Mahasti Jouybari - Whom can I rely on? Confronting Self-Stigma in patients undergoing methadone maintenance treatment
Nader Aghakhani, Béatrice Marianne Ewalds Kvist, Ameneh Abedini, Pedram Abolfathpour - Concept analysis of adherence to treatment in hemodialysis patients: Using a hybrid model
Leila Rafiee-Vardanjani, Farahnaz Mohammadi-Shahboulaghi, HamidReza Khankeh, Kain Norouzi-Tabrizi - Exploration of the needs and potential spiritual capacities of mothers of premature infants hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit: A Qualitative Study
Naghme Razaghi, Zahra Kariznoei, Narges Yaghoobi Beglar, Nasir Zaidi - Fertility intention and its sociodemographic correlations among female marriage volunteers: A province-wide cross-sectional survey in Iran
Nouzar Nakhaee, Fahimeh Amiri, Muhammad Samari, Hamid Sharifi, Abedin Iranpour - The relationship between informatics competency and clinical competency in nurses working in intensive care units: A Cross-sectional Study in Northeast Iran
Fatemeh Tahmasbi, Khadijeh Yazdi, Navisa Sadat Seyedghasemi, Shohreh Kolagari - Examining religious attitudes and mental well-being in post-earthquake trauma
Şükran Başgöl, Semra Elmas, Saliha Yurtçiçek Eren - Perspectives on HIV stigma in Asia and Middle East: Legal protections, ethical considerations, and public health solutions
Forouzan Akrami, Bege Dauda - The perception of shared governance among nurses at Dar Al Shifa Hospital in Kuwait in 2024
Ahmad Fawzi Aldmour, Ferial ElSayed Saleh, Tareq Mohammad Abu Erjeh, Sarala Premavathi - Sarcopenia, functional capacity, and physical components of quality of life in older adults Mexicans: An explanatory model
Isaí Arturo Medina-Fernández, Sandra Cecilia Esparza-González, Nissa Yaing Torres Soto, Ana Laura Carrillo-Cervantes, Pedro Enrique Trujillo-Hernández, Josué Arturo Medina-Fernández - Investigating the effect of mindfulness-based art therapy on self-efficacy of multiparous and nulliparous women: A randomized controlled trial
Ashraf Beirami, Zahra Rahemi
Acknowledgment to Referees 2024
Acknowledgment to Referees 2024
Acknowledgment to Referees 2024
The Persian version of Caregiver Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES): A psychometric evaluation among family caregivers of patients with cancer
Effects of Buzzy device and distraction cards for pain relief during intravenous cannulation in children: a randomized controlled trial
Investigating the effect of mindfulness-based art therapy on self-efficacy of multiparous and nulliparous women: A randomized controlled trial
Sarcopenia, functional capacity, and physical components of quality of life in older adults Mexicans: An explanatory model
The Relationship Between Perceived Stress and Postpartum Depression Through the Mediating Role of Marital Satisfaction in Postpartum Women
Examining religious attitudes and mental well-being in post-earthquake trauma
Concept analysis of adherence to treatment in hemodialysis patients: Using a hybrid model
Fertility intention and its sociodemographic correlations among female marriage volunteers: A province-wide cross-sectional survey in Iran
Exploration of the needs and potential spiritual capacities of mothers of premature infants hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit: A Qualitative Study
Whom can I rely on? Confronting Self-Stigma in patients undergoing methadone maintenance treatment
Perspectives on HIV stigma in Asia and Middle East: Legal protections, ethical considerations, and public health solutions
Multi-Theory Model (MTM) and change in childbearing behavior: A perspective
Maternal stress in the fetal anomaly screening process: A prospective cohort study
The effect of the burn wounds dressing and mechanical debridement training package on nursing interns’ knowledge and executive functions: A quasi-experimental study
Association of pain and frailty in older adults with Gonarthrosis referred to a university hospital in Türkiye
Absent or forgotten? A review of non - pharmacological pain relief methods during Labour
The Journal of Research Development in Nursing and Midwifery (J Res Dev Nurs Midw) celebrates 28 years and announces Quarterly Publication
2024/03/17 - Happy new year
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