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Announcement: The publication schedule of the journal is transitioning from bi-annual to quarterly


The Journal of Research Development in Nursing and Midwifery (J Res Dev Nurs Midw) is a scholarly, peer-reviewed open-access journal that publishes articles on current nursing and health-related issues. It fosters theoretical, practical, and methodological debates on a wide range of scientific topics in nursing and midwifery, particularly showcasing original works from scholars worldwide and within the region. The journal seeks submissions that demonstrate innovative qualitative and quantitative research approaches and methods. It supports high-level research in nursing and midwifery that is analytical, critical, controversial, stimulating, and creative. In the dynamic healthcare landscape, the journal serves as a platform for sharing information on nursing education, training, and practice.
The Journal of Research Development in Nursing and Midwifery is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes high-quality and innovative scientific research papers quarterly.

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Journal of Research Development in Nursing and Midwifery

2024، Volume 21، Number 3

Print ISSN: 2588-3038

Online ISSN: 2588-3038

Director-in-Charge: Dr. Gholamreza Mahmoudi

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Leila Jouybari

View The Current Issue

  • :: Examining Religious Attitude, Mental Well-being, and Post-Earthquake Trauma in Female Earthquake Survivors in Türkiye

    :: Artificial intelligence in managing and reducing medication errors: A Systematic Review

    :: Concept Analysis of Adherence to Treatment in Hemodialysis Patients: Using Hybrid Model

    :: Fertility intention and its correlates among newlywed women: A province-wide cross-sectional survey

    :: Evaluating the needs and potential spiritual capacities of mothers of premature infants hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit: A qualitative study

    :: Whom can I rely on? Confronting Self-Stigma in Patients Undergoing Methadone Maintenance Treatment

    :: Promoting a culture against HIV stigma and discrimination: A global bioethics perspective

    :: Multi-Theory Model (MTM) and change in childbearing behavior: A perspective

    :: Maternal stress in the fetal anomaly screening process: A prospective cohort study

    :: The effect of the burn wounds dressing and mechanical debridement training package on nursing interns’ knowledge and executive functions: A quasi-experimental study

    :: Association of pain and frailty in older adults with Gonarthrosis referred to a university hospital in Türkiye

    :: Absent or forgotten? A review of non - pharmacological pain relief methods during Labour

    :: The Journal of Research Development in Nursing and Midwifery (J Res Dev Nurs Midw) celebrates 28 years and announces Quarterly Publication

    :: The Journal of Research Development in Nursing and Midwifery (J Res Dev Nurs Midw) celebrates 28 years and announces Quarterly Publication

    :: Effectiveness of mandala coloring and playing with Lego on children’s preoperative anxiety: A Randomized Clinical Trial

    :: The effect of flipped classroom on nursing students’ physical examination skills: A Quasi-Experimental Study

    :: Risk assessment for the development of surgical positioning injuries in teaching hospitals in Brazil

    :: Comparative Study of the Needs of the Families of Trauma Patients Admitted to the Emergency Departments of Teaching and Therapeutic Hospitals in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences from the Perspective of Families and Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study Abstract

    :: Mild cognitive impairment and its determinants in urban and rural areas among older adults: A Cross-Sectional Study

    :: Relationship between perceived social support, breastfeeding self-efficacy, and perception of insufficient milk in breastfeeding mothers of eastern Türkiye


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