, fahimeh_amini_1362@yahoo.com
Abstract: (25105 Views)
Background and objective: Burnout is one of the key factors in reducing efficiency and it causes loss of manpower and physical complications. Personality characteristics such as resiliency is abuffer against stressful events and work-related psychological problems such as burnout. Given the important role of nurses in health-caresystem , this study investigates The relationship between resiliency and burnout in nurses.
Material and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on 304 nurses working in the hospitals in Tehran, 2010. The subjects were chosen by multi-stage cluster sampling. The instruments were Maslach burnout inventory (MBI), Connor-Davidson Resiliency Scale (CD-RISC) and a demographic check-list. The data was analyzed by SPSS-18.
Results: Overall, the findings showed high emotional exhaustion, (32.6% in frequency 9.9% in intensity), depersonalization (25.7% in frequency 18.1% in severity) and personal failure (42.1% in frequency 60.9% in severity). The relationship between burnout and resiliency was significant (0.01).
Conclusion: Given the resiliency is one of the predictors of burnout we recommend some workshops to increase the resiliency-related skills of the nurses.
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