Shahhosseini Z, Elyasi F, Yazdani-Charati J, Babapour F. A review of complementary medicine and psychological interventions affecting Premenstrual Syndrome. J Res Dev Nurs Midw 2020; 17
چکیده: (3491 مشاهده)
Background: Menstrual cycles in women are sometimes accompanied by symptoms that lead to a series of physical, cognitive, behavioral and mood changes called PMS. PMS generally leads to a decline in women's quality of life. Therefore, effective, safe and inexpensive treatment to relieve or improve these symptoms seems necessary. So the aim of this study is to review the complementary medicine and psychological interventions affecting premenstrual syndrome.
Methods: The present review study using the keywords Therapy, Pharmacy, Complementary medicine, Psychological, Premenstrual syndrome that extracted from Mesh-PubMed, was used in Web of Science, Scopous, Medline-PubMed, Cochrane Library, Clinical Key, Magiran, Scientific Information Database (SID) Data base, and the Google Scholar Search Engine for the period 2010-2019 within Apr and May 2018. Out of 338 articles found, 101 repetitive articles in EndNote, 180 articles with screening in the main title, 24 articles in abstract, 15 articles in full text, 1 article were evaluated by the quality of the journal in the source system, and 3 articles were evaluated by the quality of the article according to the scale of isolation. And ultimately, 8 English and 6 Persian articles were entered.
Results: Between 14 articles, 5 were quasi-experimental and 9 were clinical trials. The pharmaceutical interventions including estrogen-progesterone hormone combinations, zinc supplements, calcium and vitamin B6, respectively, hormone therapy and vitamin B6, had the most effect in reducing the symptoms of mild to moderate PMS. Herbal remedies including royal jelly, black bean, chamomile have the most positive effects for reducing PMS intensity. In category of non-pharmacological psychological interventions; PMS education, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Stress management, and cognitive-based therapy. The most successful interventions for anxiety and depression in women with PMS have been given.
Conclusions: Different types of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions will be applied depending on the density of PMS in each individual and with regard to the change in PMS (physical, cognitive, behavioral, and mood).