Volume 12 - Supplementary                   J Res Dev Nurs Midw 2016, 12 - Supplementary: 9-18 | Back to browse issues page

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Khoshnood G, Shayan N, Babaie Amiry N, Ashoori J. Rrelationship between Religious Orientation, Happiness, Locus of Control and Coping Strategies, and Spiritual Well-being Among Nursing Students. J Res Dev Nurs Midw 2016; 12 (S3) :9-18
URL: http://nmj.goums.ac.ir/article-1-811-en.html
1- , jamal_ashoori@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (24990 Views)

Background and Objective: Today, the role of religiosity, happiness, locus of control and coping strategies has been considered in prevention and treatment of general health and spiritual well-being problems. Concerning the importance of nursing, this research aimed to investigate the relationship between religious orientation, happiness, locus of control and coping strategies and spiritual well-being among nursing students.

Material and Methods: This correlational study was conducted on 140 selected via stratified random sampling among 228 nursing students of Islamic Azad University of Pishva in 2013-14 academic year. The questionnaires were Allport & Ross religiosity (1967), Argyle & Lu happiness (1990), Rotter locus of control (1975), Lazarus & Folkaman coping strategies (1993) and Paloutzin & Ellison spiritual well-being (1982). The data was analyzed by stepwise regression using SPSS-19 software.

Results: The findings showed that the internal religiosity orientation (r=0.48), happiness (r=0.34), internal locus of control (r=0.19) and problem solving strategies (r=0.17) had a positive significant correlation with spiritual well-being and external locus of control (r=-0.21) had a negative significant relationship with spiritual well-being.  The Internal religiosity orientation, external locus of control and happiness could predict 37 percent of variance of spiritual well-being in that the share of internal religiosity orientation variable was 23 percent.

Conclusion: Given the importance of internal religiosity orientations, external locus of control and happiness in predicting spiritual well-being, we recommend that programmers, therapists and psychosocial counselors consider them in their programs to promote spiritual well-being of nursing students.

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