Volume 9, Issue 2 (1-2013)                   J Res Dev Nurs Midw 2013, 9(2): 36-48 | Back to browse issues page

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Alhani F, Sadat Hosseini A S, KhosroPanah A, BehjatPour A. Explanation of Meta paradigm of Human in Islamic Sources and Nursing Theories. J Res Dev Nurs Midw 2013; 9 (2) :36-48
URL: http://nmj.goums.ac.ir/article-1-271-en.html
1- , alhani_f@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (20098 Views)

  Background and Objective: The concepts are defined differently upon the dominated philosophy and ideology of the communities. Thus, it can be possible to define the main concepts of nursing based on the philosophical and ideological foundation of Islamic ideology in Iran. The aim of the present study was to explain the human’s concepts based on Islamic documents and compare with nursing theories.

  Material and Methods: The concept derivation of Walker and Avant was used for theory construction. In this method, by studying the existing Islamic theories about human, the researchers chose the best theories adjusting to nursing and redefined them on the basis of nursing concepts. Finally the human’s concept was derived of theories of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, Mesbah Yazdi and Mohammad Taghi Jafari.

  Results: Human, consists of body and spirit, which have been created based on Fetrat . The movement according to Fetrat is accomplished by the help of wisdom, authority and faith to reach Ghalbe Salim, which is the summit of spiritual health. To reach Ghalbe Salim, human should consider the fields including plant, animal and wisdom. Thus, the nurse’s duty is to help the clients to achieve their real Fetrat, based on the human areas.

  Conclusion: In terms of this definition that verifies the superiority of spirit over body, nurses must pay attention to the spirit more than the body. In contrast with caring theories, the leader of nursing programs is Fetrat rather than the individual needs and experiences. Hence, the nurses’ duty is to help the human, based on Fetrat, to reach the highest health that is Ghalbe Salim.


Keywords: Human, ­Nursing, Islam
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Type of study: Original Article |

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