Mirzakhani K, Khadivzadeh T, Ebadi A, Faridhosseini F. The Understandings and Experiences of Mothers with High Risk Pregnancies regarding Marital Relationships: A Qualitative Study. J Res Dev Nurs Midw 2020; 17
The Understandings and Experiences of Mothers with High Risk Pregnancies regarding Marital Relationships: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Research Development in Nursing and Midwifery. 1399; 17
() URL: http://nmj.goums.ac.ir/article-1-1232-fa.html
چکیده: (3846 مشاهده)
Background: Mothers with high risk pregnancies, in addition to medical problems, experience behavioral, and emotional problems. One of the problems mothers with high risk pregnancies encounter is the effect of high risk pregnancy conditions on their marital relationships. Therefore, caregivers' attention to mothers with high-risk pregnancies and counseling in this regard is necessary in order to lessen the care of mothers. It is recommended to focus on preventing sexual intercourse in high risk pregnancies. Therefore, the researchers conducted a qualitative study to understand and experience mothers with high risk pregnancies of marital relationships during pregnancy.
Methods: In this study, through a qualitative content analysis, data was collected via interviews. The research population including all mothers with high risk pregnancies were collected by sampling method. The research area was the public and private hospitals in Mashhad. Completing the legal and ethical steps and approving the plan, the researcher introduced himself to the ethics committee of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences and also to the participants. In addition, they presented the purpose of the research to the participants and obtained the written informed consent form. Subsequently, with a semi-structured, isolated face-to-face interview with contributors, they discovered the feelings, perceptions, and thoughts of contributors. The interviews were completely recorded by an MP3 Player device after getting permission of the participants. Data analysis was carried out simultaneously with data collection, in a conventional way of content analysis, based on the approach of Graneheim, Lundman (2004), and MAXQDA1 software used to manage the data.
Results: 12 pregnant women with high risk pregnancy were saturated. Interviews lasted between 45 and 75 minutes. 1000 codes were obtained. The resultant subcategories included: distance in marital relationships, damaged sexual relations, sexual dysfunction in high-risk pregnancies, and values priority in high risk pregnancies. The final theme extracted is "marital and sexual relations are considered as the missing ring in high risk pregnancies."
Conclusions: Sexual and marital relationships and marital status are neglected in high risk pregnancies, which in turn causes mothers to experience negative emotions, therefore consultation with mother’s .should be considered.