Volume 18, Issue 1 (5-2021)                   J Res Dev Nurs Midw 2021, 18(1): 58-62 | Back to browse issues page

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Gordani N, Ziaei T, Naghi Nasab Ardehaei F, Behnampour N, Gharahjeh S. Effect of Mood Regulation Skill Training on General and Sexual Self-Concept of Infertile Women. J Res Dev Nurs Midw 2021; 18 (1) :58-62
URL: http://nmj.goums.ac.ir/article-1-1140-en.html
1- Counseling and Reproductive Health Research Centre, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran , nooshin.gordani@yahoo.com
2- Associate Professor, Counseling and Reproductive Health Research Centre, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran
3- Counseling and Reproductive Health Research Centre, Golestan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran
4- Obstetricians and gynecology Specialist, fellowship in infertility, Gorgan Infertility Center, Golestan, Iran
Abstract:   (2579 Views)
Background: General and sexual self-concept are affected by various life problems, including infertility. Mood regulation skill also promotes physical and psychological health by affecting people's knowledge, values and attitudes.
The aim of present study was to determine the effect of mood regulation skill training on general and sexual self-concept of infertile women.
Methods: This clinical trial was performed on 34 infertile women referred to Gorgan Infertility Center in 2018 that were selected using convenience sampling method and randomly assigned to intervention and control groups through block allocation. The mood regulation training program was administered to the intervention group during four 90-minute sessions once a week. Both intervention and control groups completed Rogers Self-Concept and Snell Sexual Self-Concept Questionnaires before and immediately and one month after the intervention. The data were analyzed in SPSS version 16, using repeated variance analysis and Bonferroni adjusted test. 
Results: The results showed that before the intervention, the mean score of general self-concept in the intervention group was 9.41, and the positive, negative and situational sexual self-concept were 123.76, 12.18 and 43.18, respectively, and one month after the intervention, general self-concept was 6.21, positive sexual self-concept was 139.29, negative was 5.71 and situational was 54.24. Repeated analysis of variance showed that the intervention had a positive effect on the general and sexual self-concept of infertile women one month after the intervention and this effect was statistically significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion: Mood regulation training has a positive effect on general and sexual self-concept of infertile women and can be used in service centers.
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Type of study: Original Article | Subject: Midwifery

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